Dialog relaxing treat which sara issue heats up

Indonesia once by researchers in the West once referred to as a country that is split (fragmented state). What is meant by a fragmented state it? In the context of political geography, fragmented state means a state that is composed of parts of the area as well as the islands, then split again in fragments of ethnic, cultural, language, religious beliefs, and then split again in social segregation, economic, ideological and political. In the context of the country's political, in its history, politics archipelago - from the royal era to the era of Indonesia's independence - always colored by the conflict.

Since its inception, the figure as Mahapatih Majapahit, Gajah Mada, and proclaimed as well as our first president, Sukarno Ir, already understand our tendency as a great nation, but split. The next leader - both formal leaders, such as kings, sultans, until the president, as well as the informal leader of the pandhito, ministers, mayors, religious scholars, intellectuals - trying to anticipate the tendency of the fragmentation is to build a cluster of power firmly in strategic areas of high value as Indonesia today.

Gajah Mada Palapa Oath vowed to unite the country. Soekarno vowed unity and independence from colonialism and imperialism for the whole colony. Proclamation is a golden bridge, according to the Bung Karno, towards political independence and economic freedom. The key is unity. In politics, for the purposes of the effectiveness of a government, known as an effort to unify and manage the public political arena that had been divided and conflictual become more organized and controlled. The effort is known as a 'political order'.

In the struggle for independence and in the early formation of the state of Indonesia, our national leaders to build a solid base for a country emerging from colonialism is the foundation of dialogue open, democratic and egalitarian.

Knowingly or not, dialogue and a friendship becomes important in Indonesian politics constellation vulnerable sunatullahnya already fragmented in such a way. In a conflict-prone society and was infested various trauma and ekononomi segregation, social and political as well as our beloved republic is a dialogue that is open, egalitarian, bermarwah, fair and solution-would be very productive to improve Indonesia's complex.

Uncertainty and interrelatedness of-the suspicion between groups, political interests, ethnicity, religion or social class can be reduced by seeking dialogue and equal consultation and to find common ground that is fair to all parties. Dialogue will produce a consensus, he should not be static, but should always be updated in accordance with the development of socio-economic and political context of the time. Do not get stuck on the forms formalities for authentic dialogue is often so would you find in an informal atmosphere. Agreements and meetings (political) honest and clear will heal Indonesia cross-chaos of social problems and social and political fragmentation either due to natural or conspiracy existed and getting worse lately.

Attractive listening action a great humanist, a little of what remains today, a great leader, informal leaders, emha ainun nadjib aka Cak Nun nearly twenty years. To cure Indonesia, Cak Nun Kiai Kanjeng and community groups Maiyahan its been doing 'mass dialogue' with the people in cities intensely and regularly. In Jombang known as' pengajians Padhangmbulan ', in Jakarta with a' feast of Love ', in Yogya with' mocopat Intercession ', in Surabaya with' Bangbang Wetan ', in Semarang with the name' Gambang Intercession ', in Klaten with the name "Sadranan Kubro' , in various places, also known as "Together Sinau Cak Nun '.

Serial mass dialogue 'based cinta' its Cak Nun followed by thousands of people and watched by millions of people either via local TV and youtube. Not a few characters are present either at the time of the event Peoples Majlis Cak Nun Maiyah or meet in person with all interests. For Cak Nun, all the meetings, in so far as it is for the benefit and for the good of the general public, will be served. As far as for the benefit of the people and the greatness of the nation, Cak Nun will not hesitate to engage in dialogue and seek a solution of various problems of the nation.

Featured during a meeting between Cak Nun with a successful businessman who lately plunge in politics by setting up a new party called the Unity Party of Indonesia (Perindo), Hary Tanoesoedibjo some time ago. I read it from a friend twitter status. Both men talked about the fate of our football, how to parse the conflict and find a way out of completion because after football belongs to the people, not the elite, belongs Affairs, FIFA, or club, or employers. Meeting these two figures show the authenticity Indonesia because it reflects a lot of symbols. Furthermore, to all the leaders and prominent figures in the country to be frequent dialogue in a healthy, honest and clear. In essence, a political friendship that is inclusive, equitable and progressive is the key, a good start to heal a fragmented nation called Indonesia. Hopefully.

Source: http://www.siperubahan.com/read/2231/Silaturahmi-Politik-untuk-Obati-Indonesia

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